Monday, May 18, 2020

A Change Of Heart About Animals - 950 Words

Animals have similar characteristics to humans in terms of their physical and psychological states, thus we have a moral obligation to free them from unnecessary pain. More ethical alternatives to animal testing are more cost-effective, quicker and more reliable. Contrary to what we might think, animals share similar characteristics with us in terms of their physical and psychological states. Jeremy Rifkin, author of twenty books on the impact of scientific and technological changes on the society and the environment, writes in his op-ed piece â€Å"A Change of Heart about Animals,† research which supports animals have behavioral, mental, and emotional states. Koko, a gorilla, was taught how to use sign language and has mastered more than 1,000 signs and can understand several thousand English words. To express their sense of individuality, orangutans use mirrors to explore parts of their bodies they can t otherwise see. A common misconception is animals can t feel anything, m eaning they don’t understand suffering. However, elephants appear to experience grief by mourning for the dead and standing next to their dead kin for days (Rifkin). Also according to Victoria Braithwaite, a Professor of Fisheries and Biology interested in animal cognition, studies in her article Hooked on a Myth suggests nociceptors, specialized nerve endings that alert creatures to feel pain, are found in the mouths of fish. This study proves animals have the ability to experience pain. Rifkin’sShow MoreRelatedA Change Of Heart About Animals By Jeremy Rifkin815 Words   |  4 Pagesto manipulate people. President Donald Trump told about two dozen chief executives of major U.S. companies that he plans to bring many millions of jobs back to the United States. When it comes to the topics of bringing jobs back people will readily agree. In the article â€Å"A Change Of Heart about Animals†, Jeremy Rifkin, author and president of the foundation of economic trends in Washington D.C, suggests in a seemingly, unbiased fashion, that animals â€Å"are more like us than we had ever imagined† (Rifkin)Read MoreMy Response to Jeremy Rifkins A Change of Heart about Animals544 Words   |  3 Pagesthe article A Change of Heart about Animals argues on the fact that as incredible as it sounds, many of our fellow creatures as like us in so many ways. For example, in a movie named Paulie a young girl that suffers autism gets attached to a parrot. The girl struggles to talk but she just cant. Time passes by and then the girl starts talking because the parrot helped her. An incident happened so the little girls parents decide to let the parrot go. The parrot ends up in an animal testing lab butRead MoreDaphni The Human Circulatory And Nervous System1099 Words   |  5 Pageson freshwater animals. 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